Our wide range of specialized services are available to couples with reproductive problems and also to physicians interested in utilizing our clinic facilities.
Women in a normal cycle release an egg (oocyte) 14 days before menstruation, one egg each cycle. Obviously the chances of getting pregnant are greater if various eggs are released instead of just one. This can be achieved through the administration of reproductive drugs, the result of which is the development of several ovarian follicles which, in turn leads to an increase in mature ova. This procedure, known as controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, therefore improves the possibility of pregnancy in each cycle.
The drugs used are similar to normal female hormones, yet are administered at a higher than normal level. There are a variety of drugs available for controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and of course dosages vary from patient to patient. The selection of an appropriate plan is based on the medical history of the couple and the type of assisted reproductive procedure that is selected. In the same treatment cycle the drug dosage can vary from one day to another, depending on ovary response. Ovary response is measured via estrogen levels in blood while the ovarian follicles are monitored with vaginal ultrasound. These studies, inferred to as "follicular follow-up" must be carried out on specific days of the menstrual cycle. When the follicles are ready (adequately mature and numerous) we proceed with the assisted reproductive technique.
There are women who suffer the side-effect from the treatment (hyperstimulation syndrome). This can result in any one of the following: abdominal pain, depression, dizziness, edema (swelling) of legs; and in about 1% of cases hospitalization is required. While dairy ultrasound monitoring drastically minimizes the probability of complications, if there does exist a suspicion that a problem might arise, the treatment cycle is canceled.
Artificial insemination consists of depositing sperm in the female reproductive tract, generally into the uterine cavity.
Prior to this however the sperm's fertilizing potential needs to be increased. The sperm washing procedure both selects sperm with better morphology and motility, and removes the non-sperm cells and other substances from the semen (prostaglandins, seminal plasma, etc.) which can cause adverse reactions to the uterus. Currently this procedure can lead to as much as 30% in pregnancy rates. According to where the sperm is placed, the artificial insemination can be: intravaginal, intracervical, intrauterine, intrafallopian and intraperitoneal.
In those couples where the male has either had a vasectomy or has azoospermia or serious alterations in the number, motility or sperm morphology, or when one of the partners is the carrier of a hereditary or genetic disorder, the frozen semen of a donor is used for the artificial insemination. Our Semen Bank operates with the international standar procedures and quality control systems.
It is also possible to freeze the sperm, the autopreservation, for those men who are to undergo vasectomy, prostatic or testicular surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment.
Cryopreservation ensures the chances of future reproduction. We also advise this procedure when the male travels frequently and is often absent during the fertile days of his partner.
The pre-embryos cryopreservation is also accomplished with spare pre-embryos of GIFT or IVF-ET cycles. With this, the couple maintains greater pregnancy probabilities without having to repeat all the steps of these techniques.
This is carried out after five fruitless cycles of artificial insemination in couples with at least a healthy Fallopian tube. It is also used in cases of low sperm counts.
This procedure consists of the placement of ova and competent sperms in the distal portion of the uterine tube (the normal site of fertilization). For this is required the oocytes pick-up, that is to say, to obtain mature ova through a puncture of the follicles developed in the ovaries.
In Mexico, as in other countries, this procedure is principally carried out in women with irreversible tubal damage (generally after tubal ligation that it can not be solved with microsurgery) or when the male has very abnormal sperm counts or motility.
This technique, just as GIFT, involves the most up to date technology.
Mature ova are harvested, generally through transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration. As opposed to GIFT, the ova in IVF-ET are incubated some hours and inseminated in our Gamete Laboratory. The incubation lasts some 48 hours, after which the pre-embryos are restored to the uterus.
Our Gamete Lab and the operating rooms, therefore all practices are governed according to international agreements and thereby comply to both the ethical and legal frameworks upheld by the Mexican General Law of Health.
We offer a service specialized in the accomplishment of the following studies:
reproductive hormonal profile with urgent report the same day to facilitate decision making
direct and indirect spermatobioscopy
computerized analysis of the spermatic quality, to determine through a numerical index the possible capacity of fertility of one semen sample assessing global motility and sperm morphology
study of the spermatic morphology with "strict" criteria
hamster's sperm penetration test, to determine the number of sperm that penetrated the eggs, which correlates with its capacity to enter to the partner ovum
sperm culture and vaginal culture looking for Chlamydia and Mycoplasma
anti-spermatozoa antibodies
TORCH profile
HIV test (AIDS's virus)
Our sonography equipment is of high resolution with a 5.0 MHz transvaginal transducer probe for the follicular monitoring; the hard copy of the images is accomplished in a laser chamber permitting a better definition and by so much measurement of the studied structures.
Other studies that are accomplished with this equipment are :
We count on the support of the service of Radiology of the Hospital Metropolitano.
The unit has on a digital remote control equipment with digital subtraction to achieve optimal imaging of the radiological studies as hysterosalpingography or seminal vesiculogram.
At present there are a higher number of couples in a new marriage in which one of the partners has sterilization (vasectomy or salpingoclasia) and who wish to have children in this new family therefore request the tubal surgery or of the deferens surgery. The better rate of success is obtained in the first attempt from reconstructive surgery, which must be accomplished with a microsurgery procedure; though it is important to indicate that the technique employed in the bind and the time elapsed between this and the reconstructive surgery are determinant factors in the final success of the procedure.
This reproductive surgery modality consists of the reconstruction of the obstructed structures operating through great magnification lenses or operative microscopes, with specially designed equipment and using minimal caliber sutures, frequently thinner than a hair.
With this so meticulous reconstruction of the gynecological structures our personnel highly qualify in microsurgical techniques guarantees the maximum possibilities of pregnancy without the utilization of other complex procedures of assisted reproduction.
In general terms the managing of the male offers better alternative because:
a) vasectomy can be accomplished in the doctor's office while the tubal occlusion must be accomplished in a operating room and to follow the surgical limits by a greater surgery.
b) male reversal surgery is technically easier and has greater possibilities of success comparing with the female surgery in where the pelvic adherences may affect the tubal functioning.
c) males can keep frozen their semen before the vasectomy is accomplished in order to act with responsibility in the present and to preserve and keep their fertility potential for the future with excellent possibilities of success
The endoscopic surgery (laparoscopy) consists of the surgical procedures accomplishment without opening the abdomen: it is only introduced a thin pipe by an orifice of 10 mm nearby to the navel and connected to a video recording system and a monitor and is used special surgical equipment through small complementary orifices.
Practically most of the gynecological and reproductive surgeries can be done with this endoscopic procedures such as: pelvic explorations, adhesiolysis, microsurgical management of the ectopic pregnancy , among others, with great advantages for the patient such as: smaller pain, minimum blood loss, cosmetic incisions and more rapid recovery.
Our personal possess on the highest national and international qualifications for the performing of laparoscopic surgery in benefit of the couples with infertility.
It is a space for feelings, in a confidence environment for the expression and reflection of the emotional difficulties of the individual and the couple, focusing the emotional modifications product of the reproductive difficulties. It is offered in open groups in 90 minutes session once a week, with a mild psychodynamic direction.
The assisted reproductive procedures should be individualized, according with the history of the couple because what could be good for one could not be for another.
This difference in the procedure needs, obviously implies different costs.
Remember that the money change rate in Mexico can be very attractive.
Our facilities are near the best hotel zone in Mexico City. Accommodation and transportation can be easily arranged.
Send us an e-mail or a fax to personalize the information that you need.
Baja California, 181
Col. Roma Sur
Ciudad de México, CP 06760
Tel: (52 55) 55 84 88 41 55 64 39 20 y 7094 75 85
WhatsApp 55 1952 4369
E-mail: info@saludreproductiva.mx
LICENCIA SANITARIA No. 06 T 09 006 0095
RESPONSABLE SANITARIO : Dr. Paolo Marco Ronaldo Mario Di Castro Stringher UNAM
Cédula Profesional 588982
Copyright © 2017, Instituto de Esterilidad y Salud Reproductiva, S.C.
All rights reserved.